concentrate on. blame for. Examples: 1. We may say “to start to smoke”, but this is not usual. Verb + object + infinitive believe in. But Word does not know that you may, in fact, use “agree to + -ing”. They apologize for be ing late. ; harmonize in opinion or feeling (often followed by with): I don't agree with you. Traduction française : être d'accord - admettre. More on “agree to” When Microsoft Word underlines “agree to + -ing” it does so because it knows that it is an exception to the rule I gave you in Part 1. complain about. Verbe régulier : agree - agreed - agreed. agree with. apologize for. Agree-ing. Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or verb + - ing ? Check out this episode for the full teaching Feedbacks, comments and questions are welcomed. If two or more people agree on something, or agree to do something, it means that they decide something together. My boss has agreed to my holiday dates. The passive infinitive is formed by to be + past participle (e.g., to be done): She expects to be promoted soon. I said in the last post that when “to” acts as a preposition it is usually followed by an –ing form or a noun/noun phrase.Now we will look at exceptions to this rule.The most important exception relates to the verb “agree”. Agreeing definition, to have the same views, emotions, etc.
But Word does not know that you may, in fact, use “agree to + -ing”.However, there is a difference in meaning between “agree to + -ing” and “agree to + infinitive”. We can't afford to take a long holiday. Example use that includes both prepositions: "He agreed with you on whether we should increase the salary." In marriage, there will be many things you'll argue on, but never allow these disagreements drive a gap between you two. accept to be satisfied with something that has been done, decided or suggested: They accepted the court’s decision. They apologize for be ing late.

If you continue to use our services, we will assume that you agree to the use of such cookies. I agree with play ing darts.
The habit of inhaling tobacco smoke is known as “smoking” so the common phrase is “to start smoking”. She doesn't believe in gett ing lost in the wood. -ing form agreeing /əˈɡriːɪŋ/ ... agree to say that you will do what somebody wants or that you will allow something to happen: He agreed to let me go early.

congratulate sb. We couldn't agree on what to buy. E.g. June 24, 2020. This is because Word’s grammar check knows about this exception.“Agree” is not the only verb covered by this exception.

His father did not agree to the idea of a big birthday party. We agree in our taste in music. See more. agreed v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man." You may use an infinitive verb after “agree to”. Re: Agree to do or agree to doing? agree The reporter is blamed for writ ing bad stories. In everything you do, make effort to stay agree-ing. Don't be too rigid.