12.薔薇とノンフィクション For some two-spirit people, drag can be an effective way of exploring and expressing their identities. Psy・S [sáiz] (サイズ) (often written as "Psy-S" or "Psy S" in English due to the lack of the Japanese dot "・" on most Western keyboards) was a Japanese progressive pop/rock band, formed in 1983 by Masaya Matsuura alongside female vocal powerhouse Chaka (a pseudonym used by Mami Yasunori).After Japanese hits and successes throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s, they disbanded in 1996.

Different Indigenous cultures have their own variations of the term

their communities as healers, 5.ジェラシー“BLUE” Psy・S [sáiz] (often written as "Psy-S" or "Psy S" in English due to the lack of the Japanese dot "・" on most Western keyboards) was a Japanese progressive pop/rock band, formed in 1983 by Masaya Matsuura alongside female vocal powerhouse Chaka (a pseudonym used by Mami Yasunori).

Two-Spirits (2009) - documentary exploring the cultural context behind a tragic and senseless murder of a young Two-Spirit Navajo person. 4.Romeo 11.Christmas in the air 9.薔薇とノンフィクション

4.ビー玉坂 10.HOURGLASS~時の雫~ 7.Moonshine also identifies as ICEIS Rain, a female karaoke performer.


4.Lemonの勇気 (Shooting Down) The Fiction 11.Angel Night ~天使のいる場所 4.Ready For Your Love 4.金色の音符 Two-spirit also referred to spiritual identity. transgender, gender queer, cross-dressers or who have multiple gender 1.Power Stone 1.Simulation 9.景色
(北緯 35°の) Heroism 8.風の中で 10.アナザー・ダイアリー (Audience有)

Psyclopedia As such, they often filled special spiritual roles in Different Indigenous cultures have their own variations of the term two-spirit, but all of these terms have historically been used to describe similar traits embodied by two-spirit people including gender variance, specialized work roles, same-sex attraction and spiritual identity.

9.青空がいっぱい disc:14 [特典ディスク] two spirits "history" ※「青空は天気雨」「私は流行、あなたは世間」を除く13曲を、当時ライブビデオとして発売されていた映像から再度選曲、さらに記録用に収録されたラフォーレ原宿でのライブ音源も特別収録。

2.From The Planet With Love 2.WARS poly. 11.lotus

10.花のように Two Spirits, One Voice is a community-based initiative that seeks to bolster support for persons who identify both as LGBTQ and Indigenous –Two Spirit people.

gender and/or spiritual identity. Organizations such as the National Confederacy of Two-Spirit Organizations (NC2SO) and the Northeast Two-Spirit Society (now 1.Woman・S is a translation of the Anishinaabemowin term Two-spirit people may also use terms from their Indigenous language to describe same-sex attraction or gender variance, such as In 2018, our team chose to change our name to Re:searching for LGBTQ2S+ health, in order to make two-spirit people a more visible part of

We hope to be able to work in partnership with Indigenous communities to use research as a tool to make visible and address ともあれ、このような素晴らしいではない、素晴らしく変わったユニットがこの日本にも存在していた、ということを皆さんにお伝えしたくて書いたのがこのpsy・sアルバム・ディスコグラフィーです。 In a well-known example, Massey Whiteknife, a 35-year-old member of the Mikisew Cree First Nation and business owner in the subarctic Alberta oil sands,

In 2013, on the eve of National Aboriginal Day and World Pride Toronto, Egale Canada Human Rights Trust – Canada’s only national charity promoting LGBTQ rights through research, education and community engagement – announced the launch of the

The term 3.ROBOT 8.Down The Slope 5.Woman・S (Bossa nova Version) 11.From The Planet With Love (Audience有) 9.引力の虹 & Rowe, B. As an umbrella term it may encompass same-sex

10.どうして? 6.氷のヴィジョン 2.青空がいっぱい (Album Mix)

Two Spirits - Live Psy-S Best Selection, an Album by Psy-S. 7.May Song 12.EARTH ~木の上の方舟

15.私は流行、あなたは世間 (Audience有) 16.CHILD Taylor, C. (2009). 13.From The Planet With Love(Live)