/Cast Ambush. /cancelform [form:2] If you just use the auto loot built into the client, there is a noticeable delay on looting. Rogue PVE grinding macro, bound to 1 key: If not in combat and not stealthed, activate stealth. If not, it will cast on a friendly selected target instead. This macro was working in the Classic beta. If you want to download and install an addon, follow the steps listed below. Fixed it by making sure I had Autoloot turned on. used a lot of stance, form macros. I might give that last bit a try later just for giggles. Pick Pocket, for the less-agile and uninitiated, is a unique ability allowing rogues in stealth to loot special items from hostile mobs without entering combat.If done sloppily, it can aggro mobs, annoy your party members, and make you look pretty clumsy. /use [form:0] cat form /castsequence Pick Pocket, Cheap Shot, Also try making a mouseover to set focus and try, /cast Pick Pocket [target=focus] /stopcasting interrupts any current spell being cast. This is an article on making a macro. /stand Toggleable mouselook. It only seems to happen when the mob has no real “loot” to pickpocket and only money. Want to buff your group with a single button? It is what it is, and it is the evolution of the game - I guess I'm in it for the old vibes, not the competitive edge. You wouldn't cast holy fire or smite on a friendly target. Copy the folder. You can do mouseover healing and still retain your original target- so you can, for example, keep the boss targetted to know when its health hits phase-change amounts, or keep the understudies targetted on Razuvious while healing the raid… the list goes … about the keybinding interface is that those clicks only work when done in the 3D world, not when hovering over any UI element. Pytoras-finkle. In this macro guide, I will go over the general mechanics of macros in Classic Wow. /use [combat,nostealth]Cat Form; [nocombat, nostealth] Prowl, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, World of Warcraft Arena World Championship. Some parts work like it marking targets that I target for pickpocketing, The part that doesn't work is letting me know what rogue items I have in my bags. TSM4 is now in the beta stage and I am lucky enough to have a testing copy. It’s quite annoying actually. Hi, I saw your addon under Classic and downloaded it. Excerpt from some macro notes that explains the problem:". Welcome to our Macros guide for Mages where you will find out what the best macros are for your Mage in WoW Classic. Or you need a quick CC without having to switch target? Note: Not all macro conditions listed in the guide linked above will function properly in WoW Classic. I copy pasted it from my beta macros. That doesn't mean that every macro works (focus targets are gone), but it means that writing them is fairly simple. 1 Druid Macro Guide 2 Hunter Macro Guide 3 Mage Macro Guide 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro … But most of the time the pick Pocket doesn’t work on the opener, and I have to kill the mob and then loot it twice. Gives some extra gold for that mount yknow. The first thing you should know is that, like addons, the macros are based on the same API as the current game. Download Install Scripts /Cast Pick Pocket Re: Perfect Pick Pocket Macro? For prowl I ended up using: #showtooltip prowl Control the camera by simply moving the mouse - no need to hold the right mouse button anymore! There will be so many more min/maxer turbonerds compared to vanilla WoW when everyone was a noob. I have had some strange things happen and I assume it’s because of this. It won’t! /Cast Pickpocket I did not move my macro to my action bar. I still have to loot twice on the odd occasion, but 90% of the time the above does the trick, providing you are using the auto loot addon and have auto looting enabled. When you visit our website, we store cookies on your browser to collect information. For Prowl specifically, here is my (perfectly functioning) macro: #showtooltip Prowl Try /cast Prowl. You use one-/cast [target=mouseover] Lifebloom. Addons are an important part of WoW Classic, but are not intuitive to install. I honestly did not know that, learn somthing new everyday eh yea i got a bit lazy with my typing towards the end, I believe spell batching is artificial lagg blizz had put into the game to make it feel more authentic, but it bugg abit, have you ever been walking and your char says that spell is not ready yet even tho you did not press anything? that's different point. [help,target=targettarget] says If the target of my target is friendly. as you would still be in stealth when Pickpocket goes off. I … For more information on creating macros, including full lists of conditionals, modifiers, and other command customizations you can use, check out our full Macros guide. Allows you to spam prowl, won’t kick you out of cat form or prowl if you are in it. If, instead of using two lines: /target mouseover /cast Lifebloom. I use a simple pickpocket macro for my stealth openers e.g. Bump for druid justice we are in a sad state atm, I found that [noform:5] works but thats just caster form. I also tried noform:2 and same issue. Autoloot addon? Is this intended? Thanks for responding to it, however. Here is my tips, first when you use your macro stand still don’t keep moving and use it stand still and use cheapshot or ambush macro with the pickpocket, 2nd thing you need to do is download addon called Leatrix Plus and activate Faster autoloot. If in combat and not stealthed and not targeting an enemy, target the next enemy. I also tried noform:2 and same issue. /cast prowl, Seems overly complicated but works for me =]. You can also mash it as frantically as you like, and it will not accidentally cancel either cat form or prowl. …Did you read the thread? /cancelform [form:4] This is the macro that I use This macro was working in the Classic beta. Actually some are less than ideal given circumstances and one of them is not working for me at all but perhaps someone here can help me. That way, the macro works as intended in any situation, without the need of pressing qualifier keys or choosing between different buttons. /cast !Prowl. However if you’re stealthing and attack while moving, often you need to double loot at the end. /Cast Ambush. 16,295,168 Downloads Last Updated: Nov 22, 2020 Game Version: 9.0.2. With macros, all of these things are easily achievable. /cancelform [noform:3] /dismount If you walk up to the mob, stop, then cast - it will loot the copper for you. These macros work perfectly. For example I was fighting a higher level warrior yesterday, when my health was low I tried to blind him, but the blind didn’t go off until after I had died. Kyph-zandalar-tribe September 30, 2019, ... targetNearestDistance is one of the things they removed long ago and I’m 99% sure didn’t come back for Classic. Once it is done downloading, open the downloaded folder. A suggestion, if I might. /target focus one should add /in 1 to aviod that lag. Totally untested on the auto loot part (not sure if you're allowed to change autoLootDefault in game or if it's protected...), but the mouseover should for sure work. Actually, I posted this on the wrong thread; deleted original post. Im pritty sure thats what it is, could be wrong tho, #showtooltip Ambush Gives some extra gold for that mount yknow. Actually some are less than ideal given circumstances and one of them is not working for me at all but perhaps someone here can help me. The addon makes it pretty much instant. #showtooltip Prowl Druid macros have been a huge pain :S I have found a few macros for WOW Classic that I find useful when grinding mobs - adding pickpocket to openers! This is not supposed to happen, but for some reason it does. It only attempts to cast prowl. Interesting. Otherwise just replace [nostance:1 or 3] with !Cat Form or !Bear Form to get the same thing. Above does not seem to work, tested the below in MOP 9/28/2013. WoW Classic is live and with it comes the task of rewriting all of your macros and figuring out with ones you need in order to play your class well. If that doesn't exist either, it will misdirect on your pet. It casts blood fury but not sinister strike. I have found a few macros for WOW Classic that I find useful when grinding mobs - adding pickpocket to openers! Once for actual loot and once for pickpocket loot. Edit: I must admit I failed hard on this one. Like all other giant games, WoW is not free from issues. but after patch, it is really gone. This issue isn’t with the macro, it’s because of this spellbatching thing. E.g., a macro like the following will not work as expected: /target [@focus, dead] party1 WoW will ignore party1 because you set a unit with the [@] targeting option. This will put you into cat form and prowl immediately from whatever form you were in, provided you’re out of combat. WoW (World of Warcraft) is an online open-world multiplayer game which is owned by Blizzard. WoW Classic General Discussion. This topic was automatically closed 30 days after the last reply. I copy pasted it from my beta macros. Actually some are less than ideal given circumstances and one of them is not working for me at all but perhaps someone here can help me. your macro can be simplified to: /castsequence [harm][harm,@targettarget] reset=9 Penance, Holy Fire, Smite, Smite, Smite The current macro you have does not work for the second set of conditionals. One-button Insta-Stealth, Auto-target, Pick Pocket, and Untarget #showtooltip Pick Pocket /cast [nostealth,nocombat] Stealth /cast [nostealth,combat] Vanish /targetenemy [target=harm, nodead] /cast Sap /cast Pick Pocket /cleartarget It was just the plain Prowl ability. Classic has no focus and you wrote /cheap shot. Classic Action Combat. I had the same problem. Or perhaps it was the old servers they used to use, maybe they couldn’t handle the ability queuing and that’s no longer an issue on current tech? This seems like a reasonable explanation/solution to the pickpocket macro, if it really doesn't work, you could just use a cast sequence and hit it twice. I’m fairly sure stopcasting does nothing here because it works without it and you still get the same problem everybody else does. Interact with the world while mouselooking. However, in most cases the designers don't want us to be able to test conditions on one unit and then act on another, so you must use one or the other. . If you are not running Cosmos or one of its addons, this macro will not work. TSM, Trade Skill Master, is famous for its ability … /dismount I use a simple pickpocket macro for my stealth openers e.g. A macro can consist of any number of /(command)s or pure text to up 255 characters. If so, then I should be able to macro it with sinister strike. #showtooltip Ambush Users wishing to use more advanced commands are recommended to see the Interface Customization and World of Warcraft API sections at wowwiki.fandom.com. I did not move my macro to my action bar. You should have a folder with the addon's name on it, such as "Questie." A macro tries to do each step in order until it finishes or stops because you’re trying to do something you can’t do (you need the global cooldown or any other condition isn’t met). If not stealthed and in combat and targeting an enemy, use SS. Gives some extra gold for that mount yknow. if I have a druid targeted and click shift-right to cast my macro'd spell on the paladin's frame, the spell is not cast on the paladin but instead on the druid Normal spells target properly. Don't forget to follow us on the social networks Twitter and Discord. Profiles not working #1724 By forroguetitle Created Dec 31, 2020 Updated Jan 30, 2021. sometimes spells on bars disappears ... Macro Icon not swapping for different weapons ... WoW R. 4.10.6 Nov 19, 2020.