Here's what you need to know about possible causes. The vessels that move blood around in my feet don't get the enervation they need to work well. Plantar fasciitis (PLAN-tur fas-e-I-tis) is one of the most common causes of heel pain. What might this be? One of the main problems of crusty feet is dryness and this is mainly caused as a result of lack of moisture on the feet. Poor circulation is a common problem that is experienced in extremities such as your feet 2. Foot fetishes are extremely popular, but still kind of taboo – here's what you need to know about them, and why your love of feet shouldn't make you feel ashamed. sandals-628-v2.jpg. I also have tingling, numbness and sometimes GREAT pain in the top of my foot. I do have shiny feet which is a side effect of my PN. The skin on my feet is very thin, due to reduced blood supply. If you show them to Arabs, they would generally get offended, but from my experience of communicating with people from different parts of the world, this is also considered impolite in many other cultures. My advice - don’t do anything to change this in any way, just carry on… and look around to see passing by men’s looks. Cover with a clean dressing, which will also do a good job of locking moisture in. Just the dirty - Answered by a verified Dermatologist. Neuropathy Symptoms in the Feet | LIVESTRONG.COM My feet have thin skin and cuts and wounds take months to heal. Here's what you need to know about possible causes. Crusty Feet Causes. ... Hi there,I have something on the bottom of my foot that looks like a large blister with a wart-like bump in the middle. They look like freckles that meld together and it makes my foot look dirty. You will be amazed to see how many horny looks you are collecting I personally do so in my native Britain and do it throughout the whole period of the year when the (harsh) London weather allows me to. If your cracked feet are bleeding, apply an antiseptic to prevent infection. Cold feet, misshapen nails, swelling, and numbness can be warning signs of illness. All these symptoms and others make crusty feet look so unattractive and increase the likelihood of serious infection which could become worse if not properly treated. One of the main reasons why such an action is perceived as an insult is because the feet are often perceived as unclean, especially the soles. I have developed these brown spots on the top of my left foot and they are moving up to my ankle. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the fibrous tissue (plantar fascia) along the bottom of your foot that connects your heel bone to your toes. Because your feet are so far away from your heart, they are a common place to experience poor circulation 2.If you have poor circulation, not enough oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood is getting pumped through all of the tiny blood vessels in your feet 2 3. I think it is normal for your bare feet to collect at least a little dust of dirt during the day. Plantar fasciitis can cause intense heel pain. My toes (on both feet) look dirty, but I can't scrub off the dark, discolored areas. I even scrubbed them and realized they did not come off. After all, sweaty feet are like magnets for dust and dirt. Itchiness involving the bottom of your feet is a maddening symptom that can occur for a variety of reasons. It's located on the ball of my foot, under my big toe. It’s best to do this after a shower when the skin is clean and, most importantly, soft. Use a pumice stone regularly to reduce the thickness of the skin on your feet. Itchiness involving the bottom of your feet is a maddening symptom that can occur for a variety of reasons. They are not raised. At the end of a long, hot, foot-exposed day, your piggies can look pretty disgusting. WebMD's pictures help sort out when to call the doctor or simply put on socks and put your feet up.