A similar sound was heard in Michigan. During the months of lockdown, people have heard and recorded strange sounds seemingly emanating from the sky. And if we recall back to the sample Sky Trumpet sounds at the beginning of this episode, it just might be that similar activities were responsible for other recordings. At first, he thought it was an appliance. Weird sounds from sky on the Island Nøtterøy in Norway, Europe – Video. Mysterious trumpet sounds in the sky As strangesounds.org again reports, citing Australian television broadcasts, on December 15, 2020, Sydney residents were slightly frightened when the so-called “trumpet sounds” shook the city in the middle of the night. Mysterious noises at midnight on March 24 – Video. Strange sounds from the sky in April 2020. Roy van Zon, whose Facebook uploads have since generated a lot of interest and discussion, reported the unnerving phenomenon on the evenings of December 9th and 10th.Like anomalien.com on Facebook To stay in touch & get our latest … Some believe these are celestial trumpets heralding the apocalypse; there may be other explanations. Advertisement. DO NOT LISTEN TO PEOPLE THAT SAY IT NEVER HAPPENED IT HAPPENED I WITNESSED IT AND HEARD IT!! But of course, people aren't grinding grader blades every day. Not always, of course, something buzzes in the sky and then bangs there, but the geography of messages is correlated. A “great mountain, burning with fire,” is thrown into the sea, destroying a third of the ships and a third of the life in the sea. So, recently in the state of New Jersey quite a lot of “little flying saucers” have been seen, and in New York – in general, there is a 300% increase in the number of observations compared to 2018. a) Trumpet sounds are connected to some tectonic processes; b) Trumpet sounds are made by giant alien ships. To me it sounded like more of a giant metal grinding gear sound then a trumpet but thats how i heard it. Do you hear the strange trumpet sounds from the sky? The King was in his Counting House. Refraction carries sound for long distances over lakes at night, sound previously masked by traffic and other activity. A number of people have filmed the bizarre sound over the past 10 years with the latest coming from Germany. Terrifying sounds recorded in the Sky of Middle East – Video. The Counting House . The wonders that happened yesterday in d morning in Israel God showed his signal with trumpet sound in a circle object formed by cloud in d sky every body stood still till it disappeared . All rights reserved. In addition, reports of UFO sightings correlate with all this. Some cases may be manifestations of the enigmatic “global hum” heard in many places previously but never satisfactorily explained. We don’t know the mechanism of seismic tension, but we can assume that the African plate moved and began to put more pressure on the hypothetical Great Adria, an ancient lithosphere plate that floats in the mantle under Europe. No single scientific cause has been suggested, and the wide variety points to multiple causes. Finally, earthquakes can be caused by the destruction of bottom gas hydrates and the subsequent release of methane. And, because the rapture hasn't occurred, the sky trumpets heard in the last few years are not the "last trumpet" mentioned in 1 Corinthians 15:52. “Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet,” Joel 2:15-16. Mysterious ‘Doomsday Trumpet’ sounds were heard across the UK skies this week, as an eerie recording of the sky noises went viral on the internet. “This is a 20-fold increase … which suggests that right now … the Shetland Islands are increasingly separating from the Antarctic Peninsula,” says Sergio Barrientos, director of the Chilean seismic agency. Also, earthquakes can be associated with the separation of icebergs. STRANGE SOUNDS WORLDWIDE FEMA CAMPS LOCATIONS BY STATE PREPAREDNESS- POST DISASTER COMMUNICATIONS DO YOU HAVE AN ARTICLE, NEWS OR VIDEO FOR REVIEW? The next time that you hear any weird sound that you can’t immediately identify, please notify us. Copyright © 2010 - 2021 Soul:Ask | Unlock your Mind and Soul. 1:55. half hour ago, reports are streaming in about trumpet-like sounds heard in the Singapore skies.We would like to... Posted by SMRT Ltd (Feedback) on Monday, June 1, 2015 While unusual radiation from space comes to the surface of the continent, more than 50,000 tremors have rocked Antarctica since late August! Some resembled aircraft noises when there were no planes flying. And everything is like on a video: somewhere, something bangs from above so that alarms are triggered and even spark wires, the police come to the scene, ride around the blocks – but they never find anything. Searching UFOs. Question: "Are the sky trumpets people have been reporting signs of the end times?" “The Second Trumpet” from the Cloisters Apocalypse (1330) When the Trumpet Sounds By Joshua Viola Published Issue 084, December 2020. weird trumpet sounds in sky at different locations. By now most of us have heard, seen or read something or another about this bizarre occurrence but we still have no idea what is causing these strange trumpet like sounds that seem to be coming from the skies all over the world. Yours Truly.`” If you’ve heard the 2011-2013 trumpet sounds in the sky, this was similar to that except for sounding like a jet engine instead of the trumpet. Mysterious humming noise in Örebro, Sweden on March 24 – Video. “Most of the seismicity was concentrated at the beginning of the sequence, mainly in September, with more than a thousand earthquakes a day,” the center said. A snowball effect means that when one person reports a “new” sound, others listen out and notice it too. And, most likely, these rumbles and booms are not natural, but represent some kind of noises generated by alien ships (or other creatures that pretend to be aliens). Weymouth, Dorset in South West England, December 16: In general, all these rumbles, although absolutely incomprehensible, nevertheless, are as if familiar. The lack of human noise during lockdown has made people more aware of background meteorological sounds, from wind to distant thunder. The sounds – heard in the US, Mexico, Slovakia, Italy, Brazil and Argentina – do not seem to correspond to angelic heralds. At the same time, either at the moment of these “booms”, or some time before / after in this or that area, people heard the same trumpet sounds. Video clips from around the world have captured an evil-sounding ‘trumpet’ noise coming from the sky — but no one can explain exactly what it is. From celestial trumpets to ‘Darth Vader breathing’, mysterious noises from above have been heard around the world during lockdown, Last modified on Fri 31 Jul 2020 21.33 BST. In the cited links to news broadcasts, numerous obvious ones tell how they witnessed incomprehensible “booms” in the sky. Therefore, most likely most of the unexplained noises are still of some kind of atmospheric rather than lithospheric origin. A sound in Bratislava was described as “Darth Vader breathing”, while a recording from Colorado was like a shrieking whistle. I began hearing these sounds at around 8:40am from inside my house this morning and they only kept intensifying as the morning dragged on. uring the months of lockdown, people have heard and recorded strange sounds seemingly emanating from the sky. The sound can produce shock waves that vibrate a building or a particular area. The main theory of the “trumpets of the Apocalypse” has always been traditionally seismic – these noises were associated either with deformation of rock layers, or with steam emissions into some underground cavity, which at that moment was buzzing like a musical organ. However, there are several hypotheses that help explain everything, and the first of them is volcanic activity under water. The website StrangeSounds.org, which chronicles the … In particular, in the McMurdo Strait in the Ross Sea just 6 months ago, just such a phenomenon was discovered and documented. pls have ur life cleaned up and be ready in think the D day is close by. In British Columbia, Canada, Dr. Glen MacPherson says he heard a strange humming sound in his home. The content of this website does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of Soul:Ask and may contain 18+ material. However, geological processes are rather slow relative to the life time of cockroaches crawling along the lithosphere, so neither Casey nor other prophets have a special total faith in people. END OF THE WORLD fears are being stoked ahead of the June 21 solar eclipse and people are reporting eerie, trumpet-like sounds from the skies. The recent sounds cannot be these trumpet sounds because the tribulation has not begun. So, as chroniclers write, from Roman to Chinese, before all sorts of wars, cataclysms and other adventures for the kingdoms, people certainly watched some gods on fiery carts that galloped over the clouds with bright light and roar. Surprisingly, a great big steel blade being ground can make a reverberating metallic sound. However, it is now very likely that the booms and rumbles are related by some kind of correlation. A skyquake is a phenomenon where a loud cannon, trumpet or a sonic boom sound is reported to originate from the sky. But what is the reason for such an increase in strange atmospheric sounds? Earthquakes have become so frequent that the strait itself, once expanding in width at a rate of about 7-8 mm (0.30 inches) per year, is now expanding 15 cm (6 inches) per year. While some compared the eerie sounds to the seven trumpets that cue apocalyptic events in the Book of Revelation, audio posted on … The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah, and he will reign for ever and ever.” From End of the American Dream: All over the globe, people are recording extremely loud sounds coming from the sky.