Use this Cheat Sheet to get to know the lingo and the players of American football, not to mention common NFL penalties to watch for. There are not players officially designated to protect the goal keeper, but as in other sports (e.g. Three goals scored by a player in one game Head manning the puck Place Holder: The player that holds the ball for the field goal kicker. The goaltender (also known colloquially as goalie or netminder) in ice hockey is the player who defends his team's goal net by stopping shots of the puck from entering his team's net, thus preventing the opposing team from scoring and arguably the most important player on at team. The goaltender usually plays in or near the area in front of the net called the goal crease (often referred to simply as the crease or the net).Goaltenders tend to stay at or beyond the top of the crease to cut … A penalty resulting in the player being suspended for the remainder of the game Goal Line. Goalie – The player in the goal who is trying to stop opponents from scoring. But their latest attempt - a new proposal called the "Great Reset" - is the most ambitious and radical plan the world has seen in more than a generation. Typically, the player with the ball will stand, orient themselves using the tactile lines, sounds from teammates, and/or the crossbar of their own goal. Defenders will try to prevent an attacker from crossing this line (because an attacker can’t shoot on the goal behind the net). Goalie: Also called a "Goal Keeper"; the player positioned in front of the goal whose job is to defend the goal. Offsides: Foul frequently enforced during a game to prevent unfair fast-break goals. Hat Trick. This line is also called GLE. The red stripe at each end of the rink extending from each of the side boards. Long Snapper: The center who snaps the ball to the punter. The ball must hit in the player's own landing zone, and anywhere in the neutral zone. In ice hockey, the goaltender or goalie is the player responsible for preventing the hockey puck from entering their team's net, thus preventing the opposing team from scoring. Goal Posts: The vertical beams on either side of the goal. Halfback: Also called "Midfielder", the player positioned between the fullbacks and the forwards. Goal Keeper: The goalie is one of the most important positions in lacrosse.They are the last line of defense and must keep the opponent from scoring a goal. The basic crease rule has remained the same, as the NHL Official Rules guide for 2015-2016 notes: If players on the attacking team precede the puck into the crease prior to the goal being scored, it is considered an off-sides violation, and the goal will be disallowed. Goal Mouth: The goal's entrance. The player will then stride forward, lean low, and roll or side arm the ball down the court. The goalie usually plays in or near the area in front of the net called the goal crease (often … Hacking: To kick an opponent's legs. an attacker – also called a forward; a player whose duty it is to score goals, e.g. Goal Line Extended (GLE) – An imaginary line that extends out from the sides of the goal. The player who guards the goal, also called the goalie or netminder Game Misconduct. This football player usually kicks the kick-off as well where distance is the main goal. Called when a player is closer to the opposition’s goal line than both the ball and two defenders (the goalie and one additional defender). Field Goal kicker: This player kicks field goals and extra points. Accuracy is key here. The goalie has an area around the goal, called the crease, where only they (and their fellow defenders) can go.