Satellite Thermal Control Engineering 1. heat transfer basics – conduction – radiation – importance of thermo-optical properties 2. satellite energy balance – from ground to space – simple satellite thermal behaviour 3. role – why thermal control required? Although ground-based and aircraft platforms may be used, satellites provide a great deal of the remote sensing imagery commonly used today. Characteristics of the Landsat System. The single satellite coverage area is defined as a region of Mobile position data flow chart. Technical Characteristics of Intelsat EpicNG: • C, Ku or Ka spot and broadcast beams • Anticipated throughput of 25-60 Gbps per satellite • Open architecture • Strong flight heritage • Full integration with Intelsat satellite fleet and IntelsatOne Intelsat EpicNG Benefits Include: • Higher performance (bits/Hz) that reduces 4. design – what is thermal design? Black Spot Determination of Traffic Accident Locations ... GPS Satellite GPS Satellite PDA GPS Satellite GPS Satellite Figure 1. SPOT-6 and SPOT-7 Commercial Imaging Constellation . After 3 years in orbit the satellite has stopped functioning. Landsat satellites image the Earth’s surface along the satel-lite’s ground track in a 185-kilometer-wide (115-mile-wide) swath as the satellite moves in a descending orbit (moving from north to south) over the sunlit side of the Earth. SPOT was designed to be a commercial provider of Earth observation data, and was the first satellite to use along-track, or pushbroom scanning technology. Satellite systems represent a significant solution to provide communication services to mobile users in under-populated regions, in emergency areas, on planes, trains, and ships. SPOT-4 is considered a 2nd generation SPOT-series satellite of CNES, France. The main atmospheric research areas that benefit from MODIS are cloud cover, aerosols, and water vapor; all important climate-forming factors. SPOT-4. Ëan agile satellite platform These specific characteristics are the consequence of the imaging radar technique, and are related to radiometry (speckle, texture or geometry ). SPOT-6 (Système Pour l’Observation de la Terre) is an optical satellite built by Astrium and was successfully launched on September 9, 2012 with SPOT 7 launched on June 30, 2014. Types of Satellite Images • Landsat-like systems – Landsat MSS, TM, ETM+ – SPOT – India Remote Sensing (IRS) • Broad-scale systems – AVHRR (2,3999 km swath) – SPOT 4 Vegetation – Other NOAA weather satellites (GOES, POLAR, …) • Fine-resolution satellite systems – IKONOS (1 m – pan, 4 m – multispectral) The characteristics of LEOs are: the shortest distance from the Earth compared with other orbits and consequently less time delay. ... VBA according to the characteristics of address data and the results provide a basis for address matching. Ëa dedicated High (HR) and Very High Resolution (VHR) instrument, operating in the visible and infra-red (IR) ranges. The SPOT satellites each have twin high resolution visible (HRV) imaging systems, … 3. Rajat Acharya, in Satellite Signal Propagation, Impairments and Mitigation, 2017. There are also nine pictures of satellites. Radar images have certain characteristics that are fundamentally different from images obtained by using optical sensors such as Landsat, SPOT or aerial photography. In a practical satellite communication system, the uplink frequency is higher than the downlink frequency. (Worldview-2 image based on data ©2013 DigitalGlobe. Landsat 7 and Landsat 8 orbit the Earth at 705 kilometers The satellite consists of: Ëa wide fi eld-of-view instrument, similar to that carried on Spot 5, which also covers the visible and the near infra-red ranges. The satellite must be designed specifically to fulfill its role. Having full support from EADS Astrium (Spot … SPOT 3 was launched on 26 September 1993. in characteristics to an image from any of the other four satellites, thus allowing the user access to an unprecedented amount of imagery collected on a frequent basis. Satellite Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Agricultural Meteorology ... taking images of the earth surface in various wavelength region of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS). The data may be used for crop forecasts and environmental studies. Engineering work for SPOT 5 has began so that the satellite can be launched in 2002 to ensure service continuity. – which types of S/C design exist? Modelling of frequency scaling. SPOT 4 was launched on 24 Mar 1998. By leveraging the KSAT (Kongsberg Satellite Services) polar ground station in Svalbard, Norway, the Pleiades and SPOT constellation … Mission Status of SPOT-6 and of SPOT-7 (Azersky): • January 30, 2018: Airbus has launched near real-time satellite imagery capabilities together with its 24/7 Emergency Image Delivery Service to aid those facing emergency situations. Satellite Name: Eutelsat KA-SAT 9A (KASAT, KA-Sat) Status: active Position: 9° E (9° E) NORAD: 37258 Cospar number: 2010-069A Operator: Eutelsat Communications S.A. Operational Env. In 2008, Spot Image of Toulouse, France, and partners (EADS Astrium) started an initiative to build a new commercial SPOT mission series, referred to as SPOT-6 /-7, to continue sustainable wide-swath high-resolution observation services as currently provided by the SPOT-5 mission. Satellite orbits Geostationary / geosynchronous : 36,000 km above the equator, stays vertically above the same spot, rotates with earth - weather images, e.g. In addition, new satellite internet … The most important advance is the addition of the “Vegetation” instrument, with four spectral bands to allow continuous, worldwide crop monitoring. XTAR-EUR is the world’s first satellite developed exclusively for commercial X-band services. The up-link is a highly directional, point to point link using a high gain dish antenna at the ground station. Satellite A Satellite is a solid object which revolves around some heavenly body due to the effect of gravitational forces which are mutual in nature. mobile-satellite system to provide regional service in the 1.6/2.5 GHz bands. satellite's transmission beam is referred to as the "footprint" of the satellite transponders. Satellite Characteristics: Orbits and Swaths We learned in the previous section that remote sensing instruments can be placed on a variety of platforms to view and image targets. You can click either on the picture or on the name to learn more about that type of satellite, and its example. The MODIS satellite survey materials have a wide range of applications for the study of the atmosphere, land, and ocean. GOES (Geostat. Each picture is an example of one type of satellite. Search for 1.5-m SPOT 6/7 satellite imagery now. RapidEye Satellite Imagery Products are offered at three different processing types to support the varied These characteristics make them very attractive even for scientific applications or communications networking [5], [6]. Images from the commercial WorldView-2 satellite (top) can show street by street details of the September 2013 flood in Boulder, Colorado, while the scientific Landsat 8 satellite (lower) can be zoomed in to give a city size scale. The future generation of Inmarsat and Russian satellites and the planned regional and national systems will use spot beam to provide greater spectrum efficiency and conserve transmitted power of the satellite and mobile earth station. Coastal land use and wetland The down-link can have a large footprint providing coverage for a substantial area or a "spot beam" can be used to focus high power on a small The satellite, located at 29°E, provides X-band coverage from Eastern Brazil and the Atlantic Ocean, across Europe, Africa, and the Middle East as far east as Singapore. Exploiting the above characteristics, it is possible to determine the X, Y and Z coordinates of the terrain with a pair of stereo SPOT imagery in a similar manner as used in analytical photogrammetry. Landsat-1 through Landsat-3 included a Wideband Video Tape Recorder for storing imagery and subsequently downlinking to ground stations. Mission characteristics of HiROS Long Life Time: 5 years Resolution: PAN 05 GSD Mission characteristics of HiROS 0.5 m GSD MS 2 m GSD (Red, Green, Blue, NIR) High Revisit Time: anyyp y y point on Earth every day Polar SSO (490 km, 7063 m/s, LTDN 10:30)3 satellite constellation (120° spacing)High duty cycle 10 min per orbit High Agility / Operability The propagation characteristics of lower frequencies and its resistance to rain fade also make it well suited for high availability satellite applications, especially for services in remote locations. Characteristics of LEO Systems • “Anytime, Anywhere” • Blends cellular and satellite technologies – Satellite – Terrestrial – Gateways • 500 - 2000 km orbit – Below Van Allen Belts • Fiber-like propagation delay • Voice and data capabilities • Hand-held multi-mode phones Satellite) station) [5]. IRS LISS II/III and SPOT are very ideally suited due to their spatial resolution (Carter, 1982, Nayak, et al.1988). Below are the names of nine different types of satellites. Satellite Data Interpretation and Generation of Maps 3.1 Analysis Procedure: Variety of satellite data such as IRS LISS I, II, III and PAN, LANDSAT MSS and TM, SPOT HRV are available. Satellite Internet access is Internet access provided through communication satellites.Modern consumer grade satellite Internet service is typically provided to individual users through geostationary satellites that can offer relatively high data speeds, with newer satellites using K u band to achieve downstream data speeds up to 506 Mbit/s. An incident occured on SPOT 3 on November 14, 1996. The first series of Landsat platforms were based on the Nimbus-4 weather satellite and built by General Electric. Available in many resolutions, SPOT 6/7 offers continuity of the SPOT constellation first launched in 1986. Spacecraft characteristics for the Landsat missions are given in Table 2. We can categorize satellites in two types, namely Passive Satellites and Active satellites. A satellite is a moon, planet or machine that orbits a planet or star.