When this task runs at a site, data associated with that site is deleted, and those changes replicate to other sites. 3000 computers object are still showing in the view I ran that script but it dit not delete all objects, they remaing appearing Lets say 90 days, 3 months. When using the search feature in a task sequence, the “Result X of Y” label appears does not have a fixed location within the console. Delete Aged Discovery Data: Delete aged discovery will delete any client for which it hasn’t received any ddr within the configured timeframe regardless of what discovery method generated the DDR. Within the Configuration Manager console, these can be accessed under Administration/Site Configuration/Sites – Site Maintenance. Site Maintenance is located within the top toolbar. The Delete Aged Discovery Data task may incorrectly remove active records. Delete Obsolete Client Discovery Data Use this task to delete obsolete client records from the database. Delete Obsolete Alerts Delete Obsolete Client Discovery Data Delete Obsolete Forest Discovery Sites and Subnets Are you referring to "Delete Obsolete Client Discovery Data" ? Delete Aged Discovery Data, etc). Delete inactive client discovery data: If you delete the client record and the Configuration Manager client is still installed and communicating with Configuration Manager, Heartbeat Discovery recreates the client record the Configuration Manager database, although the client history and any previous associations are lost. After you update to Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager current branch, version 1910, the Delete Aged Discovery Data maintenance task deletes records for active users or groups. The Configuration Manager 1910 update process may fail … The Delete Aged Discovery Data task incorrectly removes active records in SCCM 1910 – KB4537369 The below screenshot lists the issues fixed in SCCM 1910 KB4537079 update rollup. Note This update applies to specific builds of Configuration Manager version 1910, as detailed in the "Update information" section of this article. The Delete Aged Discovery Data task may incorrectly remove active records. If the SMS Provider computer is offline, all Configuration Manager 2007 consoles for the site will not function. Active Directory discovery methods: System, User, and Group; This task also removes aged devices marked as decommissioned. Then every 5 days with delete aged discovery data, it will remove computer objects from SCCM that havent authenticated to the domain in over 3 months time. In the options tab here you can set "Only discovery computers that have logged on to a domain in a given period of time" to a set amount of days. For official documentation about this update rollup, click here . The SMS Agent Host service on Management Points may terminate unexpectedly after updating to version 1910. Because I enable it but nothig happened. It is different than the Delete Aged Discovery Data task which deletes any aged discovery data record. “Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint ‘OfficeAddinHealth_PK’.” appears in the statesys.log after updating to version 1910. When this task runs at a site, it removes the data from the database at all sites in a hierarchy.ImportantWhen enabled, configure this task to run at an interval greater than the Heartbeat Discovery schedule. Hi, we have the latest configuration manager and all of my site maitence tasks are enabled and set to run in 30 days or less (i.e. Within Site Maintenance, you will see two tasks named: Delete Aged Discovery Data and Delete Inactive Client Discovery Data.