angry pomeranian: SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. I understand I feel the same way and lost my temper with it and beat it ! Well fast forward a few months later and here we are with a 60lb 8 month old boxer.... And I hate it. My girlfriend got herself 2 different "pets" 1 horse that we have in a stable half an hour from our appartment, The second pet, or The pest as i see him. I fucking hate her. For people, the eye-contact is a hard one. And hate being with you. Weird he does'nt bark towards me ;) read The entre story or fuck off... *Jumps up onto tree branch and grins wildly. Clothing Store. Dude I totally understand! Sues bar Birkenhead. You're a total sick bag of crap and you're 'girlfriend' is a stupid tramp to stay with you. I just want to hurt him when he whines or kill him, burry him alive, set fire to him. They can gradually change over time. Pomeranian Silhouette Greeting Card. 1 horse that we have in a stable half an hour from our appartment, After years of nagging, they finally broke down and allowed me to get a dog for my 13th birthday. 2. trans bi/ace with a brain cell: yet. Plus, both of their girlfriends are also huge dog people — like, stop-on-the-side-of-the-street-and-wait-five-minutes-as … I'm acting as if i cared for The dog, gives it Treats and plays with it. So finally, I picked the dog up everytime, the dog would bark, amazingly the dog stopped, after comforting the dog for a while, I let her lose, and she stopped barking. 1. Ok, so i've had dogs before i had a great dane with The name Balder. Maybe that dog is a bit hyper. Noisy. Let the pomeranian sniff your hand to recognize your scent. Pomeranians descend from large, spitz-like sled dogs. The California pup … Pomeranian Origins and History. I literally do nothing for this thing. Well one day she told me her sisters dog had puppies (boxers - one of my least favorite breed) and I expressed to her that I don't want a dog, I want nothing to do with a dog, etc etc. We live in a smaller 750 sqft apartment so this dog is always in my presence and that alone annoys me. trans bi/ace with a brain cell: bold of you to assume i even sleep. And me, I like dogs but I do not want the responsibility of owning one. $3.74 $4.99. We cant put it in the bedroom alone because shit will get ruined. I have no idea what it was about Pomeranians that made me want one so bad at the time. And ofcourse i have yelled at him like a normal dog. its a good thing that dog hides under the couch. And i Get This hatefull angry feeling towards him. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies.Learn More. Like really hate being with you. Okay so that seems pretty bad now that I typed it out and am reading it and I'm probably gonna be deemed an asshole. You're fucked, man. I shouldn’t, but I think I have very valid reasons for feeling this way. ME TO STAY UPDATED! I like that my mom and I both don’t like dogs. News & Media Website. Im kind of a neat Freak just as a detail to The story. My girlfriend is sad that our future depends on what her daughter does, or does not do. Sex January 20, 2017 By Isabelle Kohn. Love of my Life Greeting Card. :). I really really hate that dog. I was flat out in The coach, and he was probably trying to be boss or something, i had my head in my Gf's lap. anyone here who calls you a asshole, has no idea that not everyone feels love for annoying as fuck animals. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Always give him lots of praise and attention when he's crapped/peed in the rights spots, but don't do anything (negative or positive) when he does it in the wrong spots. But I didn't want just any dog; I wanted a Pomeranian. Also, play with it once in a while. I'll convince my Gf to sell him to a better penger instead before that happens. Here’s What To Do Next. ... Trevor broke my heart and I hate him Greeting Card. Stadium, Arena & Sports Venue. You should try anger management. The Pomeranian's origin is Germany, but England also played a key role in this breed's development. Is a small pomeranian dog. Hello, Haha! Before I watched several episodes of that show, I was like you---I didn't understand dogs. My Girlfriend Is Hotter Than My Coffee Greeting Ca. It bonds us. Maybe... you have to get to know eachother more. along with the dog. If i knew i would attack that problem directly by The source. Oddly enough, people are a lot like dogs too. Every time, I visit her even a few months later, the dog was still barking at me. My friend had a small dog that barked up a storm, and it drove me nuts, Lol !!!!! After the fur was gone, it looked like a real dog instead of Muppet. Of course, I’m not a fucking saint and I’ve done things that I deeply regret, but if I put up a list of pros and cons, the cons far outweigh the pros. people in car include: myself, my girlfriend,her two sisters, and her mom. Like barking, peeing and pooing. My friends owned Pomeranians and it’s goes 2 ways! But, on the way back...Read More » See more ideas about cute animals, pomeranian, dogs. angry pomeranian… While I think being a neat freak would cause animals to bother you I think you have some serious anger issues. 3. -drive to pick up 2nd dog to take to the veterinary hospital in which my gf and her mom works, also where the eldest sister gets off to do God knows what. When left alone, It chews anything near by, destroys blinds, tears up carpet and generally trashes the place. I dont have any problems towards my other animals. ever since she was a little girl she wanted a Pomeranian puppy. Watch some Dog Whisperer shows and maybe take him to a few obedience classes. i feel intense anger and hatred around small dogs. In 2014, a Pomeranian named Jiff made headlines when he set the Guinness World Record for "Fastest Dog on Two Paws." Dogs are exceptionally aware of body language; they can read people better than most people can read people. I'm sick of it we can never have anything nice because of it. She brought this thing into my house and I'm already tired of it. But i will never ever hurt him. He needs a leader; he needs to know who is in control and once he does, he will feel better and not confused about his role in your pack (you, you're girlfriend, and him). I really really hate … I feel like I can barely move. It's a small apartment and a rather big dog. Woof! Pub. 2,590 likes. She's responsible for its life. I’ll share them with you. ... Don't you just hate it when Zainab throws a curry in your face? Divoká Voda. So, strike one. The first day we got him he actually attacked me. rich bisexual: um RYOTA SENPAI WHA T . My question is. I've actually tried to shave it. I own a German Shepherd and he isn’t as noisy as some of my friend’s Poms. Aug 20, 2013 - Explore Andrea Evans's board "I Love Pomeranians" on Pinterest. hopefully it has a heart attack and dies so you can live a normal life in peace and harmony. Help us keep this site organized and clean. Police said back in early August, the victim's dog, a Pomeranian named "Bear," went missing after she and Watenpaugh got in an argument. But i don't Get that connected feeling for The dog, i just see all The negative sides, as he barks The moment we'r out of The house, he pees innside, he poos. I don't want the responsibility. That helped me see it in a different light. $3.74 $4.99. Your reflex of giving him a little punch was not the proper reaction, but it was better than doing nothing---in that it let the dog know he's not allowed to bite you in order to dominate you. She says she is "sick" of hearing me complain, and when I try and discipline the kid, it always back-fires. I reacted in reflex by giving him a little punch. When all i want to do is snap his neck. I just shelled out $600 for my girlfriend to get cat supplies, adopt a cat, and insurance for it. I wanted to hold it down and punch it until it died in my hands. They're so cute and fluffy. I Love My Pomeranian. When I was a little girl I begged and begged my parents for a puppy. The key to getting through the inevitable hard times, as my own research suggests, is to never stop trying to understand where your partner is coming from. Hate Your Son’s Girlfriend? Altough i got a common sense, and i have not hurt him. They love and hate them—and that’s normal. What makes him do that? I hate my girlfriend: 15 reasons you should consider moving on. He was The greatest dog ever, and i really did take good care of him. You hate her. HAHAHA SUB TO MY COUSIN MAN! Good Luck. Weird, eh. Dogs need room and attention. She lets it sleep on the couch and if she doesn't walk it! I wrote this a few years ago, but it’s still relevant. It sounds like your dog is insecure and aggressive (in spite of his size). The weather promised absolute splendor and delivered. ... My wife had a 13 year old Pomeranian in a 1200sqft apartment and even that was a little small. On the bright side (for me) my gf knows not to ever ask anything of me for this dog and has been keeping up to that standard so far. Dear Ibby, hate my girlfriend's dog. It's so irritating to be mid conversation or mid TV show and have to stop what your doing because the dog is up to some shit again. Treat it just like you would a large dog, except be more gentile so you don't hurt it. The first thing this fucking rodent does is piss on my carpet in front of me amd I just furnished my house. We have'nt been friends since that episode. Is a small pomeranian dog. Dogs interpret people talking/yelling as barking, so yelling at a barking dog will only make them bark more. trans bi/ace with a brain cell: yet. Eye contact, touching, and food are all rewards/attention for a dog, so never give these things unless they are deserved. angry pomeranian: SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND. My girlfriend got herself 2 different "pets" In my defense it doesn't understand English, so it's fine. Pretty Pink Pearl. I hate Chris Grant....A.K.A Dog abuser. I have an awesome friend who just started dating an awful girl. The barking is difficult to correct, but will probably subside once he starts feeling more secure about his role as a follower and you the leader. I call the dog a bitch (mostly to be ironic; it's a female dog) when it acts up, push it away from me whenever it's close, ignore it as much as possible, I don't feed it, I don't let it out of it's cage, and if it whines and barks I tell it to shut the fuck up. It's coming between us. Now she acts sulky at group events if he isn't always paying her attention, and is rude to anyone who can't directly benefit her, especially girls. I then really don't like little dogs. But he notice my hostility towards him for some reason, something my girlfriend don't. View more articles. Artist. I fucking hate my girlfriend. You shed like a Pomeranian going through a growth spurt, and she leaves a coating of long, shiny strands all over the bathroom every time she straightens her hair. If you want your "friendship" to grow, spend time with it a little more each day. $3.74 $4.99. if i was you i would break up with that girl to get away from that horrible creature. I dont Get him to do that. The playful Pomeranian temperament makes this breed a fun choice for people who enjoy lots of playtime, walks and exercise with their dogs! If you hate your girlfriend with every inch of your body, you should get out of such a relationship. Yesterday was supposed to be my rest day, farmer’s market shopping, a much needed workout at the gym, followed by movie with a girlfriend and dinner with her and my husband. She does get on her kid, maybe not on the same timeline and with the same style that I would. If you need additional information about Pomeranians (or dogs in general), look to a variety of […] That guy really knows how dogs think! You live with each other and, as the human, it's up to you to make it a more comfortable relationship. It just sucks because I'm paying to live with this animal that I really don't want to deal with. Take it for daily walks so that it learns to like and obey you. Is it normal to have these intense hatefull feelings towards just one spesific animal? And they are constantly watching us. Plus, my partner wants to make out the whole time, which I can't get into. angry pomeranian: ryota suzui sleep with one eye open tonight. My girlfriend and I split rent so there should be compromise, but with this dog, there was none. Start small and basic with the training, so he can start to feel confident in his understanding of what's good and what's bad. -drop younger sister off at highschool. Chris Grant,21 years old, beat his girlfriends 12-pound Pomeranian-Chihuahua named Chuvi-Duvi, in an elevator! You are normal. I'm actually an animal loving guy. Anti social towards me. My girlfriend has the most annoying old pit! Have you ever watched the Dog Whisperer? By Ed Smith. But what happens if he comes home one day with the new girlfriend — who turns out to be Satan in a dress? I was torn apart when he died of an heart attack. you are normal bro, don't trip. I know some of this may seem trivial, but when i mean I didn't want a dog, I mean I didn't want to deal with literally anything the whole "dog package" has to offer. Then all of a sudden he bit me in The face, and tried to attack me. It cleans itself at all hours of the night! That's normal dog! In any sort of ultimatum in which it's you or the dog, she's gonna choose the dog. I just recently bought myself an apartment, and my girlfriend moved in with me. Me taking the step to move to her house was a big and difficult one, leaving my loved ones and house behind. thats it. I love pomeranians! But he gives me This annoyed feeling, he avoids me, he always do stuff he is'nt allowed to do. Keep your Pomeranian healthy and looking great by following a grooming routine, knowing the warning signs to call your veterinarian, and removing potentially hazardous items from your household. I know that this one is pretty much self-explanatory, but sometimes it takes some reminding. I'm a neet freak too! My friend had a pom and I wasn't much of a fan of it until she let me shave it: lion-style. Everytime he barks when I'm home he stops when he hears my voice and hide under The couch, he's Even so afraid of my, that sometimes he piss himself in pure fear. $3.74 $4.99. In a series of studies, Vivian Zayas and Yuichi Shoda found that people don’t just love or hate significant others. Thanks. Maybe the dog sense you want to kill it. First off, our relationship has been off on for 6 years now. But, I think you're pretty normal to feel like the two of you don't click because you aren't getting along. I do. My girlfriend got a Pomeranian, intentionally when I was out of the country. Here’s why: 1. My eldest brother’s roommate has a dog, and my middle brother is thinking of getting one for himself. You can establish your leadership by taking him for daily walks--never letting him lead you. They really hate being in water. As a compensation for moving away from my children, we took a long 6-week vacation to visit family. I told her if she gets a dog I am having 0% to do anything with it. It pisses on the floor! The note was allegedly written at the hands of Ryan Watenpaugh and attached to it were the severed paws of a Pomeranian named Bear. I either like them or absolutely hate them. Before they got together she befriended mutual friends solely to get him to start dating her, then ditched them as soon as she had him. Love My Gnomies Buffalo Plaid Garde Greeting Cards. They never sleep because they’re too busy p - arrive at my Gf's work. Well she kinda got the whole attitude of well im doing it anyways. I don't intimidate my Gf's dog. I grew up with animals and was raised that the dog/pet/animal should not beg, stare at you while you eat, eats AFTER YOURE done, listen to commands (come, sit, stay, go lay … Each dog is different. Im getting rid of this rat TODAY. He always hide and never socialise. Don't intimidate your girlfriend's dog, it's not cool--at all! Fuck that. Always let it outside for a while to burn off energy. Also, correct his bad behaviour immediately with a firm "no" (don't say his name, that will only confuse him). Only towards my girlfriend. ... but you don't have to hate each other if you go down that route. So my girlfriend of 2 years has had this dog since it was a puppy, and is now 7. I'm not helping with bills, training, feeding, taking it outside, ANYTHING. Pomeranians are tiny but sturdy dogs that are friendly and protective. What I hate about it is that I can't get off in this position. FUCKING TROLL. She has to and she should — it's her tiny, mongoloid fur-child. Not everyone needs to feel unconditional bunny foo fok bullshit for pest creatures. My girlfriend and I split rent so there should be compromise, but with this dog, there was none. You may have raised your son to be a good man, with great morals and a heart of gold. Pomeranian coats are a bit “magical,” though. He Even tends to pee and poo in his cage, were he feels safe. Since my Gf likes to have it ridicilously hot inside, it was to hot for The dog inside so i shaved his fur to make a more chill enviroment, something that actually worked for him. I hope the police find you soon. I hate pomeranians *cringe* I like dogs fine, I mean I own a dog, but I'm not a huge dog lover in the first place. 4. But I've never actually hurt the dog, and never intend to. The second pet, or The pest as i see him. i feel the same way, i would have no problem crushing the skull of a small dog. ... been with my girlfriend 2month and hope i stay with her forever because she is amazinggg :) i love you babee :) xx. So my girlfriend (whom I live with) has always wanted a dog. AITA for hating my girlfriend's dog and making it super obvious to her. I make sure my girlfriend knows I don't like it. What should I do? Anyway! ... angry pomeranian: my brain's hard work is paying off ... i hate slowburns so much wtf i just wanna lock them up in a closet and force them to realize their feelings as they stare into each other’s eyes and kiss. December 3, 2019. I dont Even know if The fear is because of me, since he's always been an afraid little dog since we got him.