Christophsis | Windu was able to defeat the trio. Toydaria (II) | Dooku then remorsefully signaled the surrounding droids to execute the Jedi. Der Kampf zwischen Konföderation und Republik wurde dagegen außerhalb der Arena fortgeführt. The 457th Corps is a role playing game based on the Clone Wars time period in the Star Wars saga. As they left, the empty stadium was littered with droid parts as the opening battle of the Clone Wars began. Als allerdings eine Gruppe alarmierter Kampfdroiden auftauchten und ihn unter Beschuss nahmen, warf sich Mace in die Arena, begleitet von über 200 Jedi. [14], The events soon became a full scale battle between the Geonosians, droids, and clones. Heading for a droid foundry, Theta squad leader RC-1133 ordered RC-1136 to stay behind and hold a position while the rest moved forward. Maramere | Naboo (II) | Belderone | Toth's weaponry could not overcome the Jedi's mastery of the Force, and his fighter was destroyed moments before his flagship exploded.[2]. They received reinforcements in the form of 10 GAR Energy Pummels carried aboard AA-9 freighters while a nearby Republic Starship and Gunship Bombers engaged targets of opportunity. Coruscant (I) | Cerea | Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Stattdessen schlossen sie sich der Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme an, die ihren Mitgliedern ein weitaus sicheres Regierungsgefüge bot. Vanqor (II) | Iego | Die Problematik konnten nur spezielle Notstandsbefugnisse lindern, die es dem Kanzler erlauben würden, die neu entdeckte Klonarmee aufstellen zu lassen. Man errichtete in der republikanischen Militärbasis auf Coruscant ein Denkmal für die in der Schlacht gefallenen Klonkrieger, auf dem deren Namen eingraviert waren. However, Yoda's own mastery of Form IV allowed him to hold off Dooku's relentless attacks, and seize the offensive. Geonosis also has huge amounts of gladitorial colloseums, a gladiator, from one of these colloseums became the grand champion and claimed himself the New Mandalore and began rallying the Mandalorians. [4] A group of the airborne infantry, including Battalion Commander CRC-09/571, led the frontal assault on the Separatist Core Ships. Upon infiltrating the arena, the Jedi revealed themselves to Dooku and his Separatist counterparts, having secretly infiltrated the stands of the arena. The Republic's armored AT-TE walkers were strong against the lightly armored spider droids employed by the Separatists, but were vulnerable to the missiles on the Hailfire droids and the intense laser flak projected into the air.[source?] Navigating through the asteroid ring, the Jedi received a hyperspace transmission from the pirate Nym, warning that Captain Cavik Toth of Sabaoth Squadron was en route to Geonosis with his Hex fleet. Interactive Geonosis TB. It had a breathable atmosphere, but an arid climate. Devaron (I) | Windu raced off to find the Grand Master but was intercepted by a trio of Dooku's Sith Acolytes piloting Enforcer hovertanks. [1], Skywalker and Amidala traveled to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi but were captured in the Geonosis droid foundries. Taronda | Cavik Toth's flagship explodes behind Adi Gallia. The film's original script indicates that the Federation ships were parked on the surface of Geonosis, totally oblivious to the threat of a Jedi Army in space above them, gifting the Republic an easy victory:. Saleucami | Atraken | Togoria | A squadron of Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, led by Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli, approach Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. Ringo Vinda | Einen ähnlichen Erfolg war auch beim Bodentrupp festzumachen, als die Klonsoldaten im Schutz ihrer vorrückenden AT-TE-Läufer die Stellungen der Separatisten einnahmen. Bilbringi-Depot | Geonosis[1] Golm | Als Padmé und Anakin auf dem Reek angeritten kamen, retteten sie Obi-Wan vor dem riesigen Insekt und flüchteten.[1]. Aus ihnen schlüpften Geonosianerbabys. The Separatist army consisted of droid infantry of varying strength and larger droid-controlled vehicles. General Skywalker. I used to follow this for Geo Dark Side, is there a similar list for Light Side? Mission to Bogg 11[3]Mission to Bakura Merson | Ergebnis Simocadia | Nach einem kurzen Kampf tötete der Cyborg die Frau und eignete sich ihr Lichtschwert an. [2] Eventually, the rest of the Acclamator-class Assault ships penetrated the atmosphere, and proceeded to make pre-emptive strikes against the Geonosian beak-wing facilities, which resulted in the few fighters remaining unable to make headway against the Republic's orbital blockade. Innerhalb der GAR verwendete man während der Klonkriege die Zeitangabe TNG, was Tage nach Geonosis bedeutet. Help us. Level 3: Deal Physical damage to all enemies, … Deyvus | When the Republic assault ship Implacable was extracted from Geonosis to Ord Mantell, med triage on board estimated 12,000 seriously injured men and 8,000 walking wounded. Die Streitkräfte der Republik hatten sich in der Zwischenzeit den Kernschiffen der Handelsföderation angenommen und stellten dabei fest, dass die herbeigerufenen SPHA-T-Panzer weitaus effektiver im Kampf gegen die Kernschiffe waren als die Raketen der Kanonenboote. The Jedi effortlessly caught the lightning and deflected it back at Dooku, who again deflected it into a nearby wall. Zwar konnten die Superkampfdroiden den Angriffen der Klone gut entgegenwirken, sodass auch die Klone große Verluste einsteckten, doch die Rettungsaktion verlief letzten Endes erfolgreich, da alle überlebenden Jedi gerettet werden konnten. Geonosian. Fest, 21 VSY Nach einiger Zeit zum hacken, in der die anderen kämpften, war der Schild ausgeschaltet. Add to Cart. Tranquility | Raxus Prime | [18], Also around this time, the Acclamator-class assault ship Aken was traveling to Geonosis through its asteroid belt. Gentes | Kurz vor dem Ausbruch der Klonkriege befand sich die Galaktische Republik in einer unruhigen und angespannten Lage. Date Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Ord Mantell (I) | Orto Plutonia | [1], Die republikanischen Truppen rücken auf Geonosis vor, Die Schlacht war für das Delta Squad der allererste Einsatz. [1] Briefly breaking off, Dooku quickly reassessed Anakin's strength before quickly attacking, and the duel resumed. A Republic gunship carrying Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and clone troopers pursued him. Rhen Var (I) | Develop your SWGOH roster and take on the most challenging content in EA / Capital Games' hit mobile game Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes 550+ daily 4.5 mil min, Discord, Turning to the hangar entrance, Dooku and the newly-arrived Yoda regarded one another. Approximately 72,000 clones were deemed combat-fit. Second Battle of Lok[2] [10], Delta Squad charged through multiple corridors, meeting dozens of droids on the way, and finally entered the bridge with only about one and a half minutes to spare. Nadiem | As Kenobi began to strategize, Skywalker, his anger getting the best of him, charged at Dooku. Als Dooku in dem Sektor angekommen war, erhofften sich die Jedi seine Gefangennahme, doch wurden sie von Sev'Rance Tann aufgehalten, die kurzerhand Stam Reath tötete. The Separatist forces pushed the Republic group forward until the Aken reached the edge of the asteroid ring. I know that even with full R7 teams you can’t do 4/4 (some times even 1/4) most of the time, but it’s good to have a list of characters ready whenever they decide to release whatever is going to make this awful TB bearable. 215 Jedi[1]Geonosis strike teamGrand Master YodaJedi Master Obi-Wan KenobiPadawan Anakin Skywalker1 Republic Senator[1]Padmé Amidala[1]192,000 clone troopers[12]127th Gunship Wing[13]327th Corps[13]Hawkbat Battalion[13]K Company[13]416th Star Corps501st Legion[14]Clone jet troopers[14]Clone snipers[14]Clone heavy troopers[14]Republic Strategic Command[11]10,000 clone commandosAiwha-3 Squad[15]Bravo Squad[15]Delta Squad[10]Gamma Squad[15]Theta Squad[16]Null-class Advanced Recon Commandos[15]EWHB-12 heavy repeating blasters[10]E-Web heavy repeating blasters[16]74-Z speeder bikesGaba-18 airspeeders[17]5 TX-130 Saber-class fighter tanks[18]3 Republic Troop Transports[18]2,160 AT-TE walkers[12]23X[19]71E[20]Clone Scout Walkers[7]Heavy Clone Personal Walkers[7]10 GAR Energy Pummels[7]100 SPHA-T artillery units[12]1,600 LAAT/i gunships[12]Harken[10]400 LAAT/c gunships[12]Aethersprite-class light interceptors[2]V-19 Torrent starfighter prototypes[21]Sharp Spiral[2]Gunship Bombers[7]AA-9 Coruscant freighters[7]Republic Starships[7]20 Acclamator-class assault ships[22] (12 on battlefield)[12]Aken[2]Implacable[16]Majestic[23]Prosecutor[10]3 Mere cruisers[2]Tritus[2]3 G-400 starfighters[2]Havoc[2] 1 year ago. The power nodes were destroyed, causing the cannons to explode. The Battle of Geonosis was the first battle between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic in the conflict that would become known as the Clone Wars.It would be the first major combat of the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi would fight in years.It would be the battle that sparked one of the most famous wars in galactic history. However, Dooku's forces held the upper hand. [27], Though outnumbered, the Jedi fought to the end. Casualties As Kenobi fell back, Dooku calmly taunted him, telling him that he had expected a better performance from someone who was held in such high esteem by Yoda. Gall | Dooku proceeded to unleash a second blast against Yoda, but as a show of his mastery, Yoda absorbed the bolt completely, with no need for deflection, showing Dooku the clear futility of this assault. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Haruun Kal | Sev of Delta Squad loved to kill them and made a goal to kill as many of them compared to how many clones were killed on Geonosis. Sternenkorps[9]127. [1], After the battle, a collection of reports known as the Geonosian Debriefings was compiled, and for his role in the battle, CT-1226 was given a medal at the insistence of the Republic generals. ... but it allows them to gather for an organized counter offensive. There weren't 134 points of Jedi out there, all fighting in the same battle. The Mere cruisers, led by Antilles on the Tritus, directed their fire on the second vessel while all starfighter forces then began to target the flagship's capital turrets before they could cripple the Mere cruisers. Brentaal IV | The First Battle of Geonosis was the first major campaign in a series of prolonged military engagements colloquially referred to as the Clone Wars. u/ThunderousBlade. Rishi-Mond | Since its release in December 2019 guilds have slowly made progression from a mere dozen stars up to 25 at the time of this writing. Boss verwies schnell auf eine Scharfschützenposition und im letzten Moment wurde Facs Jäger beim Starten getroffen, worauf dieser abstürzte und das Team jubelte.[3]. Der umliegende Asteroidenring des Planeten ist die Folge der Zerstörung eines benachbarten Mondes durch einen zwei Kilometer großen Kometen. [16], Delta Squad managed to kill Geonosian Separatist General Sun Fac as he attempted to flee the planet in his personal Geonosian fighter. During the execution, the three captives manage to subdue the beasts but are surrounded by battle droids. Naboo (III) |, 20 VSY [Source]. [1] Etwa zur gleichen Zeit hatten hunderte Jedi in ihren Sternenjägern Geonosis erreicht und hinderten die im Orbit befindlichen konföderierten Schlachtschiffe mithilfe von Störsignalen an dem Rufen von Hilfsschiffen. [10], A LAAT/i gunship deployed the four members of Delta Squad into a canyon relatively close the Core Ship access way. It frustrates even the strongest guilds in the game. Hey Everyone, Let's start with the givens here. Interactive Geonosis TB. [1] At one point in the battle, the Padawan Tu'ala, taking after her master, sacrificed herself to save Anakin Skywalker from a Geonosian soldier. [4], Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser had fled along with the rest of the Separatist Council, and his warriors had retreated into the catacombs, where they resisted the Republic's every effort to dislodge them. Tann took control of surviving units, including Mortar Super Battle Droids, Repeater super battle droids, heavy dwarf spider droids to battle Clone Scout Walkers and Clone Personal Walkers, and OG-9 spider droids to duel AT-TEs. Klonkriege Realizing both that he would not be able to defeat Yoda and that Republic reinforcements would soon arrive, Dooku distracted Yoda by using the Force to topple one of the hangar's power columns onto Kenobi and Skywalker. Mirgoshir | Als schließlich mit Corellia eines der treuesten Mitglieder der Kernwelten aufgrund des Einflusses von Senator Bel Iblis aus der republikanischen Regierung austrat, bildete Palpatine das Loyalisten-Komitee. A trooper kept Tann updated with Count Dooku's status. Danach hatte er die Anweisung, Scorch, ein weiteres Mitglied des Delta-Teams, ausfindig zu machen. Selonia | Top Zone: Fleets. B2 Battle Droids on standby in the Core Ship. Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli slipped past the firing range of the cannons and piloted TX-130S fighter tanks, and employed communications jamming to stop any CIS forces from calling for reinforcements. Dooku und der nervöse Nute Gunray bemerkten, dass sich der Verlauf der Exekution ganz und gar nicht wunschgemäß abspielte. Was schon während der Schlacht klar wurde, war nun Realität geworden. A wave of droids headed toward the force. Approximately 72,000 clones were deemed combat-fit. Muunilinst | Er bot der kleinen Gruppe von Jedi an, sich zu ergeben, um ihr Leben zu bewahren, doch wurde dieses Angebot von Mace strikt abgelehnt. This difficult event will be available for preview in game next week and starting in early December, you'll need a mix of light side characters such as Jedi, Clones or Galactic Republic characters to defeat the waves of Separatist droids and Geonosians. Malastare | Honoghr | Kommandeure Usage Guide. [14], Master Yoda then sent a group of clone troopers, an AT-TE, and a couple of LAAT/i gunships into battle. [2] Chandrila | Kamino | An der Front hatte er einige Aufgaben zu meistern, wie zum Beispiel einen Bereich eines abgestürzten Kampfschiffes zu sichern. Each of the four Phases of the event has a Special Mission rewarding Mk II Guild Event Tokens in Phases 1, 2 and 4 and Ki-Adi-Mundi shards in Phase 3. Saleucami | Delta squad was one of only a handful of Republic Commando squads not to lose any members during the Battle of Geonosis. GEONOSIS, TERRAIN OUTSIDE EXECUTION ARENA - DAY. He reasoned that, since Windu is the second most powerful Jedi after Yoda, Windu should have a lightsaber of a different color from the customary red, blue, and green.[48]. Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus[1]Archduke Poggle the Lesser[1]General Grievous[10]General Sev'rance Tann[7]General Sun Fac†[10]Captain Cavik Toth†[2] Situated in the Geonosis system of the Arkanis sector in the Outer Rim Territories, the planet of Orto Plutonia | Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme[1]Sabaoth-Staffel[2] Help us improve this article by referencing valid resource material. Blowing a Hailfire droid to pieces with his thermal detonators, he then secured the wreckage of a nearby Hardcell-class interstellar transport. Pastil | Praesitlyn | 2 pm at PGICA, 2001 Shreve St.,Punta Gorda. Their mission was to secure the Spire council chamber, and wipe out the remaining droids in the area. — Palpatine (Quelle) Kurz vor dem Ausbruch der Klonkriege befand sich die Galaktische Republik in einer unruhigen und anges… Gallia confirmed her mission was successful, and Windu informed her that the battle was over, although Dooku escaped and Skywalker had been wounded. Close. Lola Sayu | However, the victory had not come easy. Dagegen wandte sich der Reek an Anakin, dem es jedoch gelang, sich auf dem Rücken der Bestie zu schwingen. Sie entdeckten den Störsender. Because he had little practical experience with dual-wielding, Skywalker was forced to revert to his standard Form V practices when Dooku masterfully disarmed him, flicking his second blade out of Skywalker's hand and destroying the hilt in mid air. Nexus Ortai | Thule | ... Then, down the road release your end-game ball buster Territory Battle. Florrum (I) | Queyta | [1], A Jedi joined the strike team, cutting down numerous battle droids. Dooku's wing guard of fighters piloted by Geonosians opened fire on the gunship; the resulting attack on the gunship led to Amidala and a clone trooper falling to the desert below. The droid defenses included battle droid assassins, B2 battle droids, and destroyer droids.[31]. Konflikt Kanonenboot-Geschwader[9]Sharp Spiral[2]Havoc[2]Delta-7 Aethersprite-Klasse Sternjäger[2]1.600 TFAT/i-Kanonenboote[5]Harken[3]Wing Delta 42[3]400 TFAT/f-Kanonenboote[5]2.160 AT-TEs[5]100 SPHA-Ts[5]TX-130 Saber-Klasse Kampfpanzer[10]Republikanische Truppentransporter[10] By the time the fleet reached the arena, the Jedi had already suffered heavy casualties; all but 30 had been killed. Dookus nächster Schritt war seine Anordnung, die Jedi zu vernichten und sogleich richtete die Droidenarmee wieder die Waffen auf, um ihr Feuer fortzusetzen. Eventually, Dooku signaled for a cessation of the fight. Concurrent: Karthakk Occupation(32–22 BBY), It is requested that this article section. It would be the first major combat of the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi would fight in years. [1] Trailing Dooku and the Republic gunship was General Mace Windu in a fighter tank, who was intercepted by three of Dooku's Dark Acolytes in front of the hangar.