You know the person well. Following, we listed advantages and disadvantages of love marriage: 1. Some people consider such marriages as Disadvantages of Arranged Marriage. In some cases, couples have very limited or no interaction before marriage and all of a sudden they find themselves... 3. On January 03, 2012. Disadvantages Of Arranged Marriage 896 Words | 4 Pages. 2. 2. These marriages have long been a practice of numerous cultures, particularly before the 18th century. “Green card marriage” is the most common form of arranged marriage in America. The biggest advantage of love marriage is that it is not a blind game because in case of arranged marriages before marriage you get to meet your partner only a few times and one cannot judge a person on the basis of a meeting of few hours. Arranged Marriages… is there love in that?Can you imagine your own child saying Marriage is an institution that is considered successful, if, it lasts a lifetime. Disadvantages: (1) There is excessive expenditure and financial burden on the parents because they spend a lot to keep up their... (2) Dowry systems at times may lead to misunderstanding which may give rise to bitter consequences such as torture and... (3) … Here are the cons of Arranged Marriage: 1. It is more acceptable in the society as compared to love marriage . An arranged marriage is a marriage that is pre-arranged by some person other than the couple involved. Advantages of Love marriage: 1. All but one of those stated disadvantages of marriage were true disadvantages. Arranged marriage also eliminates the uncertainties who experiences when dating. Advantages of arranged marriage: Rational thinking 4. But every individual’s unique taste cannot be matched. What are some disadvantages of love marriage? The emotional highs and lows of going on a date and the thrill of fall in love is completely missing in arranged... 2. Nowadays, marriage has become so complicated since free will marriage and arranged marriage issue increasing in new generations. Your marriage, whether successful or not, will have long-lasting repercussions on your future relationships and can affect your employment, income and educational goals. There are many more advantages to an arranged marriage than a love marriage. Demands in the form of cash and other assets may be made which could strain the relationship between the couple. It is a famous saying that ‘love is blind’ entailing to the fact that one loves unconditionally... 2. The ones those who go for love marriages normally don’t get circle of relatives help and even in a few instances their loved ones do not approve in their marriage. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Arranged Marriages. Therefore, virtually everyone gets married. Disadvantages of arranged marriage 1. Free will marriage is something voluntary decision. Disadvantages: (1) This type of marriage is not generally accepted in our society specially in case of interstate, inter-religion and inter-caste marriages. 4. Arranged Marriage Advantages and Disadvantages Arranged marriages have been around for thousands of years, and were practiced all around the world at some point. The arranged marriage of today is more clearly manufactured but it also offers a more certain outcome. The main difference between these two forms of marriage- loves and arranged- figure in the bride or groom’s relation with their family. An unmarried male is considered to have no social status, and as a practically useless member of society. Study after study indicates that the nuclear family is the best start in life anyone can get, irrespective of other categories. 2. Even in the twenty first century arranged marriage is preferable in orthodox societies because it is done with the constent of two families . Top 10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Love Marriage 1. You believe him. The disadvantages tend to outweigh the advantages but nonetheless there are some logical reasons behind the decision of arranging a marriage. Arranged Marriage vs. Free Marriage Generally marriage is a significantly hard decision and affect all aspects of our lives. Marriage can either be arranged or love. Topics: Marriage, Western culture, Arranged marriage Pages: 2 (489 words) Published: February 21, 2011 Those of us who live in countries where falling in love is the path to marriage may be surprised at some of the pros and cons of arranged marriages. Arranged marriages can be forced which is when a third party member coerces the bride and the groom into marriage. Arranged marriages are marriages in which not the couple, but rather their parents or other family members decide that the marriage should take place. Disadvantages Of Arrange Marriage. There are an immoderate expenditure and financial burden on the parents because they spend a lot on managing their prestige. Arranged marriage has its own advantage and disadvantages . In love marriage both bride and groom have… Stats on arranged marriages show that they are most present in the world’s most numerous nations. Disadvantages of Arranged Marriages According to a survey … Arranged marriage refers to a marital union between a man and a woman, whereby families and relatives identify and select spouses for their children with or without their input or choice. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of arranged marriages. Global Arranged Marriages Stats 1. However, arranged marriage has more advantages than disadvantages compared to love marriage. The disadvantages of arranged marriages are: you don't really know your husband/wife; you probably will take a while to get relaxed around them, but it is believed that love comes after marriage.