Then, lay out the steps between wherever you are now and where you want to go. Comparing yourself to others and worrying that you don't measure up only stands to So try this: Next time you notice yourself wondering why everyone else seems to be better than you, just ask yourself, “How is this serving me?” Then look for a positive thought, one that puts your worrisome mind at ease. What are you passionate about or curious about? Remember Your Purpose. Each VR micro-game warps the you into a strange and befuddling situation for a … As a result, my whole outlook on life has changed.I am grateful every day for the blessings I have and take time to appreciate them; I am now deeply intentional with how I use the precious and limited commodity of time, and I try each day to drink fully from the cup of life.It’s your life, and it’s up to you what you do with it! Good luck and keep moving forward.

You will look at your talents and combine them with your passion to focus in on the place where you can really begin to add value in a unique way. Many students just like me, leave the school gates each year confused by which direction they will head.Whenever I feel stifled by indecision, I take time to reflect on what is important to me. It requires a commitment to personal growth.I’ve been in this position before. You will certainly have a list of a few characteristics that you believe makes someone a success. A simple way to discover what you think success means is to look at people you admire and figure out why.Lastly, look at happiness. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.© 2020 UpJourney Now, you’re no longer confused or feeling left behind. Within each category, the participant then rates their own current level of satisfaction (10 being the most satisfied and 1 being the least satisfied). Each slice of the pie represents a different aspect of a person’s life (e.g. Doing things you haven’t done before—obtaining more responsibility, leading a team, starting a new job in a new place, switching careers, starting a company or even just a website, taking on a complex and scary new project—requires a certain amount of uncertainty, otherwise you’re just rinsing and repeating until your brain atrophies in your cubicle.Being willing to figure things out as you go and to face new obstacles with curiosity is how you learn and grow. For example, your passion may be children but talents can lead you to be a pediatrician or a preschool teacher!You also want to know what success looks like to you. Then, keep moving forward. You’ve got to do some of the accounting and customer/supplier management.Focus? This is like career suicide, you know that right? You felt like you were an impostor, a lucky bastard who got it easy.You’re not.